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A Break from Being Superheroes; Father’s Day 2023!

Somehow, parenthood has its shift focused a little extra on mothers and their experience of giving birth, which is unexplainably gruelling itself. Fathers are certainly present in the picture, but they are left behind oftentimes with their needs and feelings left unacknowledged. As much as it’s a life-changing milestone for a woman, it’s equally challenging for a man to enter a new phase and take up new responsibilities. This Father’s Day 2023, we feel a need to acknowledge all of those issues that go unnoticed and applaud all the dads out there who go the extra mile to become the best versions of themselves for their children. Bringing the needs of fathers into the limelight in this piece, we’ve highlighted what it is that can actually make a difference for the fathers and make it easier for them.

Emotional Support

Taking on a whole new role in your life can be exhausting. The dads might not have the physical scars of bringing life into this world, but their brains sure are working overtime. Their hearts are overwhelmed, and the feelings of happiness can get mixed with anxiety and worry. Besides, women rely on their partners physically and emotionally after giving birth, which adds up to a father’s set of responsibilities. Amid all of this, emotional support can renew their strength and help them get through this phase while being the finest support system for their partners. Moreover, men can also suffer from perinatal depression and anxiety which makes it undeniably important for their significant others and friends to validate their mental health issues and help them with it. A few hands to hold and ears to listen to the feelings can really backpedal the situation.

Offloading the Duties

From a kid’s random sketch to a million articles online, fathers are illustrated as superheroes. But have you ever considered that superheroes might also get tired of their jobs? Everyone needs a break now and then, but parenthood comes with no breaks at all. However, with the support of loved ones, it is possible to hit pause for the dads and take a breather from their responsibilities and worries. Whether they are new dads or they have a bunch of grown-up kids who have some legit expectations, the pressure is always there. To ensure a calm and healthy mind, a short while away from all the obligations and duties becomes necessary. The pressure of being a superhero needs to be released in order to let men have some time on their hands and look after themselves.

Paternity Leave

Where paternity leave has been normalised in a lot of regions in the world, it’s still an alien concept in many. It stems from the notion that fathers don’t give birth, nor do they have to look after the child. This mindset automatically takes away the crucial time from them when they can bond with their newborns, take up parenting responsibilities, feel all of their emotions to the maximum, and dedicate that special time of their lives to their families. Paternity leaves not only let fathers play their part in supporting their partners but also gives them time to tie in better with their babies and process all of their emotions in full capacity.

Being Primary Caregivers

A mother is always preconceived as the primary caregiver, whether it’s about a newborn or a grown-up child. Why fathers are never spontaneously imagined in that role? It is because the society we belong to has conditioned us never to think that way and always picture men in suits, in offices, and in a cold aura. However, this might not be something that resonates with all the men out there; they might have a desire to take care of their children at home but cannot do that because of the breadwinning expectations with them. Why not hand them over the responsibility of being a primary caregiver and reverse the roles every once in a while or just do both for that matter. This will give them a chance to come closer to their babies and cut down their partners’ struggles in half. It’s a win-win in all the ways!

Handing Information

It is believed that women can always do the baby duties better than men. Ever wondered why? Of course, they have a nurturing feature in them by default, but parenthood has a massive strength of installing this feature in men as well. It’s just about the inclusion; it’s about how well a father is kept in the loop about everything that is happening or going to happen in the journey ahead. It is cardinal to provide dads with the same information that is given to the mothers in order to educate them about the new phase they’re entering in. A lot of fathers have even expressed this in surveys that most of the questionnaires, appointments, meetings, and other formalities are aimed for women, which automatically exclude men from the picture. Inclusion and handing over of all the required information to both parents will prepare them equally for their children in the best possible way.

Look around, and you will find everyone around you searching for Father’s Day discount codes or Father’s Day gift card promotions to express their love for their dads through material things. Where Father’s Day shopping and gifts are all pleasant and nice, it would be even nicer to do something thoughtful and make a change. Start with yourself, change your mindset, preach it to others, and show support to not just your dad but to all the dads around you!