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How to Stop Scrolling Mindlessly & Do Some Actual Studying Instead

Most studies claim that people check their phones about 150 times a day. But how to get rid of this habit, if smartphones are closely connected to your personal life, study and work? There is a way out, especially if you have the right motivation – and that is dedicating more time to your school homework.

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Install Useful Apps Only

Apple, Google and Microsoft stores offer a great number of amazing apps. But do you really need this variety? What is really helpful? When you read the description, almost all applications seem great. But if you install all of them, you will simply lack time for your real life activities.

Ask yourself: which functions I can hardly survive without? Do you really need to know how many steps you walked in a day? Do you need to be aware of all the latest news? Is it really necessary to make spontaneous purchases through dozens of shopping apps?

Try getting rid of things you don’t need, and then see what happens.

Look For Longreads

Today, children can’t stay attentive, adults say. But the same is true about parents, exhausted office workers, and students who can’t focus on one task at a time. Much of the online content can be read quickly or just run through. That’s why everyone is so crazy about 7-second videos. As you can see, the phone doesn’t contribute to increasing the concentration level.

But the truth is that he who seeks finds. Books? Read them on your phone. Magazines? Same. Longreads can be found on many sites, and that’s how you can develop the ability if staying focused.

Divide The Functions

A smartphone can replace a computer, a GPS navigator, a camera and many other things. Of course, it may seem that using one smartphone in all possible ways is a good method to save space and money. But in fact, whatever you do, you are staring at the phone. The same sensations and lack of newness negatively affect the psyche, and hence, the cognitive abilities. Therefore, divide the functions between several devices to save yourself from burnout.

Always Remember Where You Are

Here’s a time-honored rule: if you’re out on the street or not alone somewhere, you probably shouldn’t stare at your phone. Friends and colleagues are unlikely to communicate with a person ignoring them. The trap of smartphones is that we often cut ourselves off from the world and other people because of them.

Thus, why not have study sessions with friends at home, in a coffee shop, or in a library? And make it a rule not to check your phones for at least an hour.

Come Up With Night Rituals

Not everyone can just take a shower and fall asleep at once. Find an alternative to sitting on your phone ‘till midnight. Let it be rereading notes from lectures, drafting an outline for a future essay, or discussing a group project with friends. Spend 15 minutes studying instead of scrolling through Instagram – and you will notice tangible results.

Plus, take breaks to meditate, keep a diary of emotions, fill out a planner for the coming week, or take care of your skin.

Keep Your Phone In Another Room

Whenever you go to another room, don’t take your phone with you. Yes, it’s really convenient when the phone is next to the pillow or on the desktop. But its constant presence at hand can complicate the learning process. Willing to manage your time effectively? Know what distracts you the most and stay away from it.

Change Your Reflexes

The modern pace of life requires us to be flexible and respond to messages quickly. When we hear a sound notification, it’s hard not to pick up the phone to react. And it doesn’t matter what time of day it is. Such reflexes need to be changed. Psychologists recommend not looking at notifications immediately – this way, you can practice mindfulness and concentration.

Download Blocking Apps

You can install programs that block applications for a specified period of time. Start with 20 minutes and gradually move up to an hour and two. This is a great strategy to develop the habit of giving up social networks for something more important, and gradually, it will become a part of your lifestyle.

Make Your Phone Uncomfortable To Use

The first step to getting rid of addiction is installing a special application that will track how often you use your phone. For example, you can download an app, which displays your screen time. You can also alternate screen settings – for example, use black-and-white mode for a week or more. It will certainly be annoying, and you will probably use the phone on business and stop scrolling through social media mindlessly.

Switch To Airplane Mode

Yes, deleting Instagram and Facebook is quite radical, since one way or another, they are ways of communicating with the surrounding world. But you can turn on airplane mode to forget about annoying notifications. Warn your loved ones that you will be in airplane mode while you study so you don’t have to worry about missing something essential.

To Wrap It Up

You don’t have to get rid of your smartphone completely. After all, it’s not going to kill you or destroy your cognitive abilities. It’s just a tool, like a book or a map. But you need to be aware of how you use it.

The phone was with you during many crucial moments. It helped you find your way home when you turned the wrong way. It allowed you to chat with relatives who lived on the other side of the world. But sometimes it has to be put aside for the sake of other priorities.