Very discount code

Very Discount Code January 2025

Very is a British online retailer that sells the trendiest fashion, home goods, tech, and much more. They have opulent pieces that are perfect for the upcoming wedding on your calendar or to get you ready for the next party season.

Rated 4 from 197 votes

Very discount code

20% Off On Selected Fashion & Sportswear On Orders Over £75 at Very

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Very discount code

20% Off Sitewide at Very

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Very discount code

Free UK Delivery On Orders Over £30 at Very

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Very discount code

20% Off On Selected LG TV's at Very

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Very discount code

Up To 40% Off On Selected Watches & Jewellery at Very

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Up To 40% Off On Samsung at Very

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Save Big with Very Discount Codes – 24 January 2025!

Offers Last Checked Code
20% Off Sitewide at Very 24th Jan 2025 *******
20% Off On Selected LG TV's at Very 24th Jan 2025 *******
20% Off On Selected Fashion & Sportswear On Orders Over £75 at Very 24th Jan 2025 *******
Free UK Delivery On Orders Over £30 at Very 24th Jan 2025 *******
Updated: 24/01/2025



What are the delivery details for Very?

Delivery times and costs at Very are usually based on your order's location, size, and weight. The deliveries at Very are not operational on bank holidays and weekends.

Can I track my order at Very?

Yes, you can track your order at Very. You will be sent a delivery confirmation email as soon as your order has been shipped from our warehouse and is on its way to you. Click on the email link to see the most up-to-date tracking information.

What if my Very Item is marked as delivered but I have yet to receive it?

It's possible that the item was forgotten in the safe delivery location that you recommended to the sender as a secure spot. There is also the possibility that the delivery person left the parcel with a neighbour.

What can I do if I miss my delivery?

Don't worry; if you are away when the package is delivered, they will leave a card with their contact information so that you can call and reschedule the delivery for another time.


How can I cancel my order at Very?

You can return the items to Very within 28 days of receipt. The returned products must have proof of purchase. Make certain that the items have not been washed, worn, or used in any other way.

Will Very refund my shipping charges?

If all of the items in an order are broken, Very will pay for the delivery cost. Please look at the Very returns policy for a full explanation of what you can do to send something back.

How long does Very take to get a refund after I've returned my item?

It usually takes three business days from when Very receives the returned item to credit the amount to your card. You can get an update on the status of your refund by going to the Transactions and Statements section of My Account on Very's website.

Special Discount

How do I redeem Very promo codes?

You can easily use the Very online deals and sales at checkout. Very's online offers and promotions are simple to use at the checkout.

Other questions

What are the acceptable payment methods for Very?

Very accepts all major credit and debit cards, including PayPal, Visa card, Maestro, American Express, and Mastercard.

More About Very

The brand has activewear in a variety of sports styles, ranging from football kits to exercise clothing, along with the most up-to-date footwear and accessories to keep you moving. You definitely deserve something special, so spoil yourself with anything from the latest in the category at Very and update your closet with the newest styles from high-end designer brands. You can also clothe children in fashionable clothing made by well-known brands such as Adidas and Nike. Buy anytime from this store at the lowest rates by using the Very discount codes or Very voucher codes. Very’s selection of new products has everything you need, whether you're searching for the ideal present for someone else or trying to redecorate your home. Reboot your beauty regimen with some exquisite items for your hair, skin, or make-up bag and give yourself a boost of confidence. They also have a wide range of home furniture, from sofas to throw pillows, to help you finish the look of your home. And if you need to shop for a loved one, you can find the perfect gift among their newest items, including toys for young kids and snacks that will give adults energy. They also gifts so you can help the recipient create memories they will never forget. To bring you a plethora of products under a single roof, ‘Very’ does an outstanding job. It’s an amazing retail store where you can shop for almost everything you might have on your wish list. Here, they make it super easy and affordable for you to even shop from the designer brands. From clothing items to jewellery, baby products to sports supplies, and everything in between, there’s a massive pile of products at this store. You can grab some great price cut-offs on your purchase as well. Use Very voucher codes and save a good sum of money on your bill.

How do you get the Very discount codes?

  • Get your favourite Very coupon codes from their deal list.
  • Go to the Very website and log in to your account.
  • Buy your preferred items from their website.
  • Enter the promotional code in the Very Checkout section.
  • Place your order. 
  • Enjoy the offers.

Buyer Guide

Women's Clothing Range

You can get the outfit floating around in your head at Very. They carry everything from the newest looks to be seen on the catwalk to classic pieces that will never go out of style. They have work-appropriate clothes for women, like on-trend blazers and separates that are based on menswear. Adding a new shirt or blouse to your work wardrobe that features a striking print or accents that make a statement, such as puff sleeves, is an excellent approach to adding more diversity to your wardrobe. They have many essentials, such as breezy sundresses, T-shirts and jeans, and laid-back styles made of linen. Visit their store's shoes and boots section to get the ideal pair of shoes while staying budgeted by using the Very offers. You can get a new outfit if there is a celebration shortly. It doesn't matter if you're going to a day at the races or a wedding; if you wear one of Very’s women's apparel designed by renowned designers, you'll feel breathtakingly glamorous no matter where you go. Their selection of women's summer apparel features many chill designs, while their selection of holiday clothing features beachy essentials such as sarongs, kaftans, and palazzo pants. You can also go out in one of their jumpsuits or dresses. 


At Very, they offer everything you might need to finish your house and garden. Everything from huge furniture pieces like wardrobes with five doors to the tiniest pieces is included in their selection of homewares. They carry many home appliances from well-known manufacturers. At Very, you can get all the useful products you need. They offer a wide range of room decorations, from carpets and pillows to beds, lights, and pictures, so that you can make your room your own. There is nothing like taking it easy in the garden when the weather is nice. With their garden collection, you can make even the smallest area feel like a bustling community centre. And when you have a variety of gardening and do-it-yourself tools at your disposal, the sky's the limit. 

Sportswear for Workout

Very has a lot of different kinds of sportswear for you to choose from. They have clothes for all sorts of activities. For workouts with moderate impact, they carry lightweight sports bras, and for workouts with high intensity, they carry models with extra support. When it comes to the gym circuit, and studio sessions, matching sets from brands like Nike and Adidas are some of the best options. Their sporting goods store has every piece of sports equipment you could need, whether you want to work out inside or outside. Whether it's a routine trip to the gym or a once-in-a-lifetime race, wearable technology like smartwatches and wireless headphones can keep you entertained. Boxing fans, on the other hand, have a wide variety of gloves, head protectors, and heavy bags to pick from. Buy today from this store at low rates by using the Very promotions. 

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Today's Hand Tested Discount Code

Last updated: 24-Jan-2025

  1. Voucher Codes: 3
  2. Deals: 4
Total Offers: 7

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Hints & Tips

Check out the following extras to get more knockoffs at checkout:

  • You can get Very discounts and coupon codes at checkout. If you sign up for Very's email newsletter, you'll get information about upcoming promotions and special offers.
  • You can get a coupon or discount from multiple stores by referring people to them, as many brands offer referral programs. Some major retailers will give you more for free if you refer people. 
  • Follow Very on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook. This way, you will be among the first to hear about any new specials and promotions exclusive to those platforms.